
The introduction to the book of Proverbs said proverbs are for attaining wisdom, discipline, understanding, insight, acquiring a disciplined and prudent life and for doing what is right and just and fair.

How we all need to be prudent, to have knowledge and discretion, to have wisdom and guidance.

How can we do business by the Book?

The two obvious questions are:

(1)    What business

(2)    What book


What business?

I am interested in business in general but only know enough of my own business to make what I hope are valuable comments and to share my views. And the only business which I have had the pleasure to do is financial planning, financial advice and insurance brokerage.


What book?

Obviously every business has its rule book. For example, the financial advisory business has the Financial Advisers Act. Insurance brokerage has the Insurance Act and Insurance Intermediaries Act.

Generally, financial planning has recognized principles e.g. certified financial planners have their code of conduct. But I am particularly interested in assessing business by another book which I try my best to abide by – and that is the Holy Bible.

I am interested to run and do my business according to its teachings. I am interested in making money but want to do it in a way that is not illegal, immoral, unethical or unloving. Is it possible to do business by the BOOK? Is money “filthy lucre”? Is the love of money the only reason to do business? If so, then it is a dangerous business indeed because the Book says the “love of money” is a root of all evil.

Is the desire for gain which drives business right in the first place? Is the fear of loss and transferring away its risks justifiable if we are to live by faith? Is insurance anti-faith? Is setting quota for sales people and rewarding the better producers more and “penalizing” the weaker producers by termination, deprivation of certain bonuses etc by the Book?

And what about the misselling of the relationship managers and other bank staff now in the news daily like pushing products which are relatively risky to retirees, whether educated or not?

These are just some of the issues which occupy my mind and tug at the heart ever so often.

I have my views which may differ from those who abide or do not abide by the Book.

I only have a limited experience of slightly more than twenty years in the business and about forty years plus as a Christian with twenty four years as a lay elder (like a pastor) of a church. I still do not have all the answers and probably never will, but I’m interested to dig deeper into such issues. And I welcome your views as well.

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